Poultry Diseases
Sudden Death Syndrome
Also known as: Acute Death Syndrome, Flip Over
Sudden Death Syndrome is a condition associated mainly with commercial broiler systems, where apparently healthy birds suddenly die for no apparent cause. It tends to occur from 72 hours post-hatching up to 12 weeks of age, with the greatest losses occurring between 2 and 3 weeks.
The condition is also referred to as flip-over, acute death syndrome (ADS), dead in good condition, heart attack or lung edema. It is associated with fast-growing broiler birds and it therefore should not be a problem in organic and extensive free range systems that use breeds suited to these conditions.
There are no clinical signs or unusual behaviour until less than a minute before death. Then there may be a sudden squawking, loss of balance, convulsions and frantic wing flapping. Birds tend to die on their backs (hence the term “flip-over”), with one or both legs raised.
At post-mortem birds show an enlarged, pale liver and kidneys may be pale and lungs congested and edamatous, although the latter may be a postmortem artifact.
It has been shown that in medium to fast growing breed-types, high specification rations tended to increase the incidences of ‘flip overs’ and leg culls.
In systems whereby birds are fed for slow growth this condition should not be a problem. An overview of the problem has been provided by Siddiqui et al (2009), identifying a number of factors that can influence incidence. Management factors that cause stress, such as high intensity light, high stocking rate and absence of exercise may induce or contribute to the condition. It has been suggested that bright sunlight may be a predisposing factor. Apart from the provision of shade, little can be done to protect free-range birds from intense sunlight.
A number of nutritional factors have been implicated, including diet texture, in that feeding pelleted feed can result in high growth rates and increased risk of SDS (Proudfoot and Hulan, 1982). Diets high in glucose as opposed to high starch have also been implicated.
Control and Prevention of Sudden Death Syndrome
Lowering carbohydrate energy intake by changing feed texture (mash) or density, or management methods such as feed restriction or long dark periods have been suggested to reduce deaths in broilers. A higher incidence has been noted in flocks fed wheat-based diets compared with those on corn diets.
Whilst there are no proper treatment and preventative measures for control of SDS, Siddiqui et al (2009) outline the following prevention strategies:
- Introduce management techniques that reduce early maximum potential for growth.
- Use diets with 5-7% reduction in nutrient density
- Supplement feeds with potassium salts
- Supplement wheat-soya diets with sunflower oil
- Dietary fat restriction from 0-7 days
- Lowering the energy : protein ratio of finishing diets
- Restricting feed of ad lib fed flocks by 30-40% (Bowes et al., 1988)
- Feed a low protein/ low energy diet during first 14 days
Treatment of Sudden Death Syndrome
Given that this is a sudden death syndrome, treatment is not normally an option.
Good Practice based on Current Knowledge
- Use breeds/strains that have not been selected for rapid growth
- Provide shade so that birds can avoid bright sunlight
- Do not use a high energy diet
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